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Research Topics

Ocean Biogeochemistry and Climate through Earth's History


We investigate the impact of anthropogenic activities on the marine biogeochemical cycles


We focus on the role of the ocean in driving atmospheric CO2 during ice ages 


We study periods of the past that can serve as geological analogues of global warming


We also study long-term biogeochemical changes over the entire Phanerozoic

Terrestrial Climate and Environmental Changes in the past


We analyze  biomarkers and N isotopes to reconstruct terrestrial climate in the past


We analyze  biomarkers and their isotopes to reconstruct terrestrial climate in the past


We analyze  biomarkers and their isotopes to reconstruct terrestrial climate in the past

Ice cores

We use N isotopes to study atmospheric circulation and chemistry in the past

Biogeochemical changes in the modern Ocean

N cycle

We use N and O isotopes of nitrate  to study N cycle dynamics in the modern ocean

Proxy validation

Ground truthing studies of different environmental proxies in the modern ocean

Trophic ecology of extant and extinct taxa

Lab experiments

We study the N isotopic composition of enamel in controlled experiments

Field Validation

We analyze  enamel N isotopes in modern ecosystems to asses its application in the past

Trophic ecology

We use N isotopes in enamel to study the trophic evolution of extant and extinct taxa

Hominin diets

We use N isotopes in enamel to study the dietary evolution of early hominins

Cancer diagnosis and metabolism

Mice Models

We study the potential of N isotopes for cancer diagnosis and metabolism in mice

Human Models

We analyze N isotopes in human biopsies to study cancer diagnosis and metabolism 

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